Forestry and Ecology Division (FED) is responsible for remote sensing and GIS based forest management studies in North Eastern Region (NER). The division caters to the requirements of various user departments by taking up projects. The division has collaborated with approximately more than 25 user departments since its inception. The Forest Working Plan inputs, the area estimation under shifting cultivation, bamboo mapping etc,.are the major contributions to the user departments of NER. There are several research projects like forest phenology study, forest biomass assessments using microwave satellite data and drone based forest assessments. The forest fire studies are being carried out as operational activity as well as in research mode. The department is also imparting capacity building training to forest department staffs and students.
Forestry & Ecology Division (FED)

Dr Kasturi Chakraborty
Head, FED
Team Members
Smt. H Suchitra Devi, Sci/Engr ‘SF’
Dr. Rocky Pebam, Sci/Engr ‘SF’
Dr. Dhruval Bhavsar, Sci/Engr ‘SC’