Right to Information

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Particulars Name / Designation Postal Address Contact Details
Nodal Officer Dr. S P Aggarwal
North Eastern Space Applications Centre, Govt. of India, Dept. of Space, Umiam-793103, Meghalaya Tel: 0364-2570141
Fax: 0364-2570043
First Appellate Authority (FAA) Dr K K Sarma, Sci/Engr ‘G’, NESAC North Eastern Space Applications Centre, Govt. of India, Dept. of Space, Umiam-793103, Meghalaya Tel: 0364-2570138
Fax: 0364-2570043
Transparency Officer Dr. Bijoy K Handique
Sci/Engr ‘’SG’, NESAC
North Eastern Space Applications Centre, Govt. of India, Dept. of Space, Umiam-793103, Meghalaya Tel: 0364-2308712
Fax: 0364-2570043
Central Public Information Officer (CPIO)

Shri Sharique Alam, Controller of Administration


North Eastern Space Applications Centre, Govt. of India, Dept. of Space, Umiam-793103, Meghalaya Tel: 0364-2308704
Fax: 0364-2570043
Assistant Public Information Officer Shri Kumar Anand
Admn. Officer
North Eastern Space Applications Centre, Govt. of India, Dept. of Space, Umiam-793103, Meghalaya Tel: 0364-2570140
Fax: 0364-2570043


North Eastern Space Applications Centre (NESAC) was established as a joint initiative of Department of Space (DOS) and the North Eastern Council (NEC) and came into being on 5th of September, 2000. The Centre helps in augmenting the developmental process in the region by providing advanced space technology support.

Functions / Activities

The main research& applications activities pursued by NESAC in accordance with its vision statement pertain to the following areas:ClickHere

Organisation Chart

Click Here to view Organisation Chart

Powers and duties of the officers and employees

In order to smoothly execute the functions/activities of each unit, Department of Space (DOS) has delegated its power to constituent units. Accordingly, Director, NESAC has been given Administrative and Functional powers of ‘Head of the Department’ for efficient functioning of NESAC. Director has further delegated his financial and administrative powers down in line of control up to levels which are required for the operation of functional entities

Procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability

Three types of decisions are taken in the organization viz., Technical, Administrative and Financial.

In order to promote R&D in the field of Remote Sensing Applications Area, NESAC Governing Council is responsible for formulating and guiding the implementation of technical activities. The project level decisions are taken as per the decision-making tree of the organization under each project.
The Administrative decisions pertaining to personnel are taken through the hierarchical chain based on the extent of delegation provided to the officers.

Financial decisions are also taken by the officers within the powers delegated to them.

Norms set by NESAC for the discharge of its Functions

The rules and regulation formulated by the Govt. Of India in the form of Fundamental Rules, Supplementary Rules, General Financial Rules, etc., as notified by Department of Space are adopted on `mutatis mutandis’ with modification where ever required.

NESAC has also adopted the Purchase Procedure formulated by DOS relating to Procurement Management as briefly indicated below.

NESAC procures various Electronic/Mechanical/Electrical equipment, Consumables, raw material and fabrication works, etc. required for R&D and other Project activities. NESAC follows DOS procedures in procurement activities. Generally, procurements are made through tendering as follows:

  • Public Tender
  • Limited Tender
  • Single Tender (Proprietary/Emergency/Standardization of machinery/ spares parts)

Public tenders are advertised in the leading Newspapers and also hosted in NESAC websites. Public Tenders are opened in the presence of suppliers/vendors. Limited Tenders are issued to the vendors available in the data bank of Purchase Division of NESAC. The bids received are technically evaluated by the duly constituted Technical Evaluation Committees/respective user divisions and recommendations are on technically acceptable and commercially lowest offer basis. These recommendations are further reviewed by following Purchase Committees constituted for the purpose depending upon the value.

  • Single Window Clearance Committee.
  • Contract Finalization Committees.

NESAC for award and execution of civil works (including electrical/mechanical etc.), Facilities Contracts Manual/CPWD Manual/DOS guidelines are followed.

Financial Management

Subject to the provisions available in the approved budget/ project, Director, NESAC is empowered to sanction the expenditure on project/purchases up to the delegated powers by DOS. Accounts Division has in-built system for control of expenditure as per the approved budget.

The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, of NESAC used by its employees for discharging its functions

The rules and regulations formulated by the Government of India in the form of Fundamental Rules, Supplementary Rules, General Financial Rules, etc., and as notified by DOS are followed with suitable modifications, wherever required. The following are the rules, manuals, etc., held by NESAC and used by its employees for discharging its functions:

  1. Fundamental Rules
  2. Supplementary Rules
  3. General Financial Rules
  4. DOS Employees (CCA) Rules 1976
  5. CHSS Rules
  6. CSMA Rules (where CHSS facilities are not available)
  7. Facilities Contract Manual/CPWD Manual/DOS guidelines.
  8. CCS (Pension) Rules 1972
  9. CCS Conduct Rules 1964
  10. Purchase Procedure, DOS
  11. Annual Report

Rules/orders under which powers and duty are derived.

The affairs, business, funds and property, movable or immovable, of NESAC, shall at all times be entrusted to, and vested in, the Society, the apex-body of the Society.

A Governing Council (GC) will, under advice of the Society, manage the programmes and finances, approve budgets and expenditure, approve posts and recruitment, authorize purchase and contracts, frame rules and guidelines for the functioning of the Centre, review and monitor the activities of the Centre and undertake any other actions, as deemed fit, for the pursuance of the goals of the Centre and policies of the Society.

Particulars of arrangements for consultation with or representation by the public in relation to the formulation of policies and implementation thereof by NESAC

An important component of involvement of public in formulation of policies and implementation thereof is by way of co-ordination with Chief Secretaries of all North Eastern States as they are members of NESAC Governing Council. Also, the report on activities of NESAC is available to public on the website which provides an opportunity for the public to convey their suggestion/point of view.

Click here to view reports of NESAC activities.

Statement of boards, councils, committees and other bodies, and as to whether meetings of such boards, etc., are open to public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible to public

  1. Compositionof North Eastern Space Applications Centre Society. – Click Here
  2. Compositionof North Eastern Space Applications Centre Governing Council. – Click Here

The meetings of these bodies are not open to public but only to the members. The Agenda and Minutes of these are also not accessible to public.

List of Non-Disclosure Items

  1. Information for which NESAC is already under obligation of non-disclosure agreement with other parties.
  2. Details related to Scientific Payload and other key research and development efforts.
  3. Layout, Equipment Details and Photographs of the facility and other Infra Structure.
  4. Front / Backend design and layout of in-house developed equipments.
  5. Design details of Systems / Equipments / UAVs designed for internal projects.
  6. The Agenda and Minutes of NESAC Society & NESAC Governing Council.

Directory of Officers holding Functional Designations


General Contact Numbers of NESAC

Click Here

Employee’s Level of Pay in Pay Matrix

Click Here

NESAC Budget

Manner of execution of subsidy programmmes and details of beneficiaries of such programmes

NESAC does not execute any subsidy programme.

Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by NESAC

NESAC does not give any concession or issue any permit/authorization

Voluntary Disclosure of Information relating to Compassionate Appointment

No person has been appointed on Compassionate Grounds in NESAC.

Information available to or held by NESAC in an electronic form

Click Here.

Particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information on

NESAC website (http://www.nesac.gov.in) contains Annual Report, details on the Scientific research and technical activities being pursued by NESAC, which can be accessed by citizens.

Name, designation and other particulars of RTI Authorities for NESAC

Click Here for Name, designation and other particulars of RTI Authorities

Details of RTI application/appeals received.
Training RTI.
RTI Reply details.
Details of Parliamentary questionnaire.

List of Projects completed and underway

Click Here

CAG & PAC Paras

Details of third party audit of voluntary disclosure

Public Grievance Officer, Public Relations Officer and Liaison Officers NESAC

  1. Public Grievance Officer – Shri Kumar Anand
  2. Public Relations Officer: Handled by PGA Area – Shri Kumar anand
  3. Liaison officer for SC/ST employees – Dr Jenita M. Nongkynrih
  4. Liaison officer for OBC employees – Shri PS Singh
List of ongoing projects View
Directory of Employees as on July 2024 View
Number of Officers/Employees and Structure of Emoluments View
Endorsement of Gazette Notification on decentralization of the adjudication of RTI applications in Department of Space (Eng) View
Endorsement of Gazette Notification on decentralization of the adjudication of RTI applications in Department of Space (Hi) View
DOS Book of Financial Powers – 2016 View
DOS Purchase Manual – 2015 View
DOS Purchase Manual (Hindi) – 2015 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of July 2024 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of June 2024 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of May 2024 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of April 2024 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of March 2024 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of February 2024 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of January 2024 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of December 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of November 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of October 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of September 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of August 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of July 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of June 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of May 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of April 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of March 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of February 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of January 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of December 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of November 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of October 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of September 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of July & August 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of June 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of May 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of April 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of February & March 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of January 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of December 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of September, October & November 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of August 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of July 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of June 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of April 2021 to May 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of March 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of February 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of December 2020 to January 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of August 2020 to Sept 2020 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of July 2020 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of June 2020 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of May 2020 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of February 2020 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of January 2020 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of December 2019 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of November 2018 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of January 2019 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of April 2019 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of May 2019 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of June 2019 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of April 2024 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of March 2024 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of February 2024 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of January 2024 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of December 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of November 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of October 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of September 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of August 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of July 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of June 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of May 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of April 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of March 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of February 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of January 2023 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of December 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of November 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of October 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of September 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of July & August 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of June 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of May 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of April 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of February & March 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of January 2022 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of December 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of September, October & November 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of August 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of July 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of June 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of April 2021 to May 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of March 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of February 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of December 2020 to January 2021 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of August 2020 to Sept 2020 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of July 2020 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of June 2020 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of May 2020 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of February 2020 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of January 2020 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of December 2019 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of November 2018 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of January 2019 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of April 2019 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of May 2019 View
Details of Purchase Order issued during the Month of June 2019 View

