The Space and Atmospheric Science (SAS) division at NESAC has been actively engaged to understand and characterize some of the major drivers of climate change over the North Eastern Region (NER) of India. The group mainly focuses on aerosol characterization and aerosol-cloud interaction, atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric boundary layer dynamics, cloud microphysics, and the atmospheric coupling processes dominant over the NER of India that is responsible for the complex weather and climate system over the region including the eastern sub-Himalayan region. The group has done extensive work to improve the short and medium range weather prediction through numerical weather prediction models over the NER of India. The group has developed a regional facility with state-of-the art instruments to conduct and promote atmospheric science research in collaboration with academic institutes and other research organizations. It has established and operates a network of Automatic Weather Station, network of Lightning detectors, S-band polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar, UHF wind profiler, and several other instruments useful for weather and climate science. SAS division provides nowcasting services for severe storms, lightning, intense rainfall, etc. The group also provides meteorological support for early warning of disasters like floods, landslide, health disasters, etc.
Space & Atmospheric Science Division (SASD)

Dr Shyam S Kundu
Head, SASD
Team Members
Dr Arup Borgohain, Sci/Engr ‘SF’
Dr Aniket Chakravorty, Sci/Engr ‘SE’
Shri Rosly Boy Lyngdoh, Sci/Engr ‘SD’
Dr Abhay Srivastava, Sci/Engr ‘SC’