NESAC participated at the 27th State level “National Children’s Science Congress (NCSC)” held at Domdooma, Assam from 1st to 4th Nov 2019. A state of the art space museum build in a bus developed by ISRO as a part of the Dr. Vikram A. Sarabhai centenary celebration program was also displayed in the NCSC. The mobile space exhibition bus was on display for the first time in the North Eastern part of India. The “Space Museum on Wheels” has models of launch vehicle (SLV, ASLV, PSLV, GSLV), satellites (polar and geostationary), Vikash engines, cryo stage, RLV-TD-NAVV, ISRO extra planetary missions, etc. The bus was also exhibited in CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat and Sivasagar College, Sivasagar. Around 2500 participants from various groups of people like students, teachers, and general public visited the bus and experienced Indian space technology. A team of NESAC led by Dr. Arup Borgohain, Scientist demonstrated the features of the exhibition to the participants.
NESAC participation in State level “National Children Science Congress”, Assam
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