The 2nd two week training programme on Earth Observation & Applications: Fundamentals, Recent Trends in Technological advancement and Services is started at ASSTC, Guwahati from 13 December, 2021 in joint collaboration of ASSTC, Government of Assam and NESAC. The initial four days of the training courses will be conducted at ASSTC and the participants will be sent to NESAC for carrying out remaining courses along with hands-on and mini project implementation. Sri Avinash Joshi, IAS, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Revenue and Disaster Management Department stressed up in the need for acquiring technical skills that are contemporary and facilitative as job aids during his inaugural speech. Dr S.P. Aggarwal, Director, NESAC has given a keynote address to the participants and highlighted the benefits of geospatial technology towards management of natural resources, infrastructure planning including disaster management supports. Sri PLN Raju, Director, ASSPC & Special Secretary, Science & Technology also addressed the gathering.

Speech of Dr Aggarwal, Director, NESAC to the participants of Redefining Recorders Certificate Class Course Training of ASSTC. Dr Aggarwal announced a one week capsule course on Survey using GIS, UAV GPS etc. for the participants of the current course.