NESAC successfully conducted a two-week basic course on ‘Space technology applications to study climate change and its impacts’ from 24th February – 7th March 2025 at NESAC Outreach facility. In total 09 participants from different part of India with diverse educational qualifications attended the course.
The course commenced with a lecture by Dr. S. P. Aggarwal, Director NESAC, on applications of space technology for climate change studies. The course featured lectures on regional climate modeling, satellite precipitation retrieval, paleoclimatology, cryospheric studies, data analysis techniques for climate change, etc. The course focused on extensive hands-on sessions for python based data analysis of satellite and climate data.
The course was concluded with a valedictory program presided over by Dr. Bikash Gogoi, Head, Department of Geological Sciences, Guwahati University on 7th March 2025. Dr. Arup Borgohain, the Course Director, summarized the course outcomes, which was followed by a receipt of feedbacks from the participants. The program was concluded with a vote of thanks offered by Dr. Aniket Chakravorty, the Course Officer.