Prof. Biman Kumar Dutta, Hon’ble Member, North Eastern Council (NEC) and a distinguished academician visited NESAC on 12th March, 2019. During his visit, Director, NESAC presented a brief overview of NESAC activities followed by presentation by individual scientists. The presentations mainly showcased the web based system developed by NESAC for monitoring of NEC funded projects in NER.. Several other operational and research projects were also presented from various thematic areas like forestry, agriculture, hydrology, urban planning, satellite communication and space science activities. A demonstration of UAV flight and visit to various facilities at NESAC were also arranged. Prof, Dutta in his speech appreciated the various activities being carried out at the centre and expressed the need for more exposure of the activities for the benefit of the region. He also urged NESAC to submit required proposals to NEC for due consideration and assured his full support in realising the planned endeavours of the Centre.
Prof. B.K. Dutta, Hon’ble member, NEC visits NESAC
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