singing of national anthem by the staff of NESAC at 09:00 am. The CISF unit of NESAC offered a guard of honour to Director, NESAC and performed Republic Day parade.…
World Hindi day was celebrated in the centre on 10th January 2019. The programme was Inaugurated by lighting the lamps by Shri P.L.N. Raju, Director, NESAC& also presented his views…
A short course on basics of Remote Sensing and GIS for forestry applications was organized at NESAC for the staff of Arunachal Pradesh Forest Department during 12-16 November 2018. 21…
(a) Addressed by Honorable VC, DU , (b) Address by Director, NESAC (right), (c) UAV demonstration (left) and (d) Panel discussion (right) A Brainstorming Workshop on Space Science & Technology…
Vigilance Awareness Week-2018 was observed at NESAC on the theme “Eradicate Corruption – Build a new India” from 29th October, 2018 to 2nd November, 2018. A week- long celebration on…
ISRO’s Tele-Education program is operational in the North Eastern Region since 2004 and currently all the eight states of North Eastern region, namely Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Tripura, Sikkim,…
A 3-day Bootcamp Training on WebGIS and Mobile App Development was organized by NESAC during October 22-24, 2018 under the umbrella of the North Eastern Spatial Data Repository (NeSDR) Programme…
A two days workshop on Applications of Geospatial Technology for Sericulture Development was organized jointly by NESAC and Central Silk Board (CSB) at Assam Administrative Staff College, Guwahati during October…
The Swachhta Hi Seva campaign 2018 is celebrated at NESAC from 14th September 2018 to 2nd October 2018. Swachhata Hi Seva’ Campaign was inaugurated by Shri P.L.N. Raju, Director, NESAC…
The 3rd two weeks training course on “UAV Remote Sensing – Technological Advances & Applications” was conducted by North Eastern Space Applications Centre during 04-14 September, 2018. The participants were…